Monday, August 25, 2008

Niche Dominator is Ready To Launch!

I’m not sure if you heard about this yet, but Cam Forbes (you know, from 5 Minute Minisites, Naked Truth and all that stuff) is releasing his most ambitious project tomorrow, and MAN is it good!

First, go to...

Niche Dominator

..and here’s what you’ll find:

- A number of different, KILLER, website building tools

- Over 30 website templates

- A TON of videos (Hours of Training)

- Lots of good, down-to-earth documentation to take you step-by-step through quickly building sites that will DOMINATE your market.

And these are no ordinary sites......They are self updating, viral websites, that get sucked into the search engines.....and they don't require any html knowledge or expertise! These sites are cash generating sites that can be built in a snap....and they update with their own content. You can literally dominate a niche in a fraction of the time once required.

These sites are pretty....and they have a variety of media to keep the viewer interested and coming back for more. They contain:
  • Links - from Google
  • News - from Yahoo
  • News - from Google News
  • Blogs - from Google Blog Search
  • Articles - from (various) Article Directories
  • Photos - from Flickr
  • Videos - from YouTube
In other words.....they hold one's attention...unlike those cheesey made for Adsense sites of past years.

The membership also gives access to the Niche Dominator forums - this is a great community of people that really try to help each other out. (It’s not a cut-throat place like some of those "other" forums.)

I've been a member of Cam's 5 Minute Minisites and I can attest to the fact that his strategies have forever altered my website building. Gone are the days of laboring over website development.

But his new project is so much more comprehensive. He even integrates Wordpress blogs in a creative way into his ND systems which can allow a person to build large sites quickly and easily and develop them into authority sites.

So when I heard that Cam had taken the his original ideas and provided tons more materials, templates, and instructions for total domination....well I knew I had to get in on this. I'm please with my purchase (some of us were given early prelaunch buying options) and am delighted at all of the unique strategies and materials in the Niche Dominator package.

I think it's clear that these website building tools can literally give you an unfair advantage over ANYBODY online. That’s a big promise, I know ...but the people who get this system will thank me when it pours cash into their pocket. Churning out websites that the search engines LOVE has never seemed quite so easy until now.

Take a look to see if it's right for you:

Niche Dominator

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